Sustainable Production
of Calves

Program created for support you, the producer, to improve your business.


Program Methodology

Portfolio 1

What the calf producers needs:

- Pasture management


- Genetical enhancement


- Animal management


- Environmental and land suitability


- Financial management

Portfolio 1

Solutions that the program brings :

- Farm assessment following the Brazilian GAP (Good Agriculture Practices) criteria developed by Embrapa (Brazilian Agribusiness Research Center).

- Guidance on land-tenure and environmental regularization.

- Support for fundraising access to investments on production improvement and environment restoration.

- Technical assistance on good agriculture practices for calves production and farm management.


- Technical assistance on "Permanent Protected Areas" restoration.

Portfolio 1

Benefits for the producer:

- Calves quality improvement


- Ability to attend new markets and their standards


- Economical activity diversified


- Permanet preservation areas restauration


- Productivity and income increased

The program has 2 macro objectives


1 - Defining new ways for creating a responsible production territory


2 - Support to promote the region to the domestic and foreign markets, seeking investment opportunities

How to participate
and where program operates today:
Hundreds of producers joined the Sustainable Production of Calves
Join you too!